After many years of struggling with different types of hard keepers including older school horses, thoroughbreds, high energy show horses, horses with ulcers we finally found activated charcoal and its miraculous healing abilities! Weight gain and improved coat condition have become easy and possible which is why our business was born! EQXEL has the ability to turn your horse/pet's health around quickly and safely. Digestion and stomach health control much of the body function, it is quite amazing to see the positive improvement in your animals. Improved skin/coat condition, dental, mood, are all the by products of healthy digestion. Reduced gas, bloating, discomfort, absorption of excess acid make for a more comfortable and naturally happy co-perative!
Below are some of our horses who turned around immediately...within two weeks of EQXEL being added to their diet daily! And their massive amounts of grain was reduced to normal! Bonny Bunda owner of Grand Prix Breeders and GP Products
This is Gus. A difficult Thoroughbred gelding who struggled to keep weight on. Despite being fed way too much grain, quality free choice hay, blankets shelter he had been impossible. Two weeks of EQXEL daily and he completely turned around, this was truly a miracle and the horse that led us to starting our business. Gus remains healthy and happy now being fed a small amount of grain once a day!
This is Julana a young Rhinelander mare who suffered from ulcers unknown to us. She also struggled with weight and teeth grinding. Once diagnosed we immediately started giving her EQXEL daily to absorb the painful excess stomach acid...and she turned around immediately never looking back! Now a happy healthy show horse who remains in excellent weight with an outstanding coat! Another miracle!!
This is Echo a 22 yr old Hanoverian mare and her son Arko Advantage winning Champion Hanoverian Jumper Foal in this picture. They are both thriving on EQXEL daily.
This is Reimer Z 3yr old Hanoverian gelding. No health issues. Outstanding coat condition since being fed EQXEL daily and incredible temperament trainability. Very happy co-operative long since sold!
This is Lively 20plus yr old Haflinger mare who arrived here in 2017 in very bad condition. She suffered from serious dental infection requiring immediate surgery. Her weight and health were dangerously at risk...this is her just months later. EQXEL daily has helped to turn her around!
This is Game Plan 2yr old Hanoverian gelding. No health issues, thriving on EQXEL daily with outstanding coat condition and health. Long since sold.
" I have been using this product for quite some time now on all my horses. I have had skinny horses come into our barn, put them on this product and have had HUGE success. They are now beautiful weight and coat condition is bar none. Also gave Eqxel to a horse we have that us "gasy" and it fixed that issue! Highly recommend as it's a natural product, and can be used on horses, dogs, cats and humans! Get yours now, you won't be disappointed! "
" I've been using this product for a few months now with our harness racing horses, our barrel racer and our quarter horse racehorses. I truly can NOT believe the difference! It adds weight and maintains it with our hard keepers, their coats are like show horses and they feel great because it also helps their gut. Anyone that knows me knows how particular I am about what we give our horses and how I like them to look. This is a MUST HAVE in ANY barn. With our racehorses that get drug tested, THERE IS NO TEST because its all natural! I PROMISE YOU WILL NOT REGTET BUYING THIS PRODUCT!!!! Pictured are 3 of our horses that have GREATLY benefited by how it helped put weight on. "
From Sandra Berry
Just to mention that your product is GREAT. My older mare was cured of diarrhea after I tried so many products. Also worked on a friend’s cat with diarrhea. I will now experiment with scours in calves. Natural, affordable and with results. Sandra
From Pam S.
" I am feeding it to my two off track horses who are not doing well and both are eating a lot better and it has only been 3 days. I will take photos on the weekend so I can compare them later. I am also feeding it an older house cat of mine who has diabetes and I was in despair as he was dropping a lot of weight and is skin and bones and weak and would hardly eat. Last night he ate all his good and was strong enough to hop
Up on the couch for the first time in a year. I am thrilled. "
Headquarters 613-489-1948
7261 Third Line Rd. S.
Kars, Ontario, Canada K0A 2E0